PIMS Europe: long-term research stays in France for PIMS members
Deadline: September 30, 2024.
Mathematicians holding a position at a PIMS member university are eligible for grants for a medium- to long-term stay (at least 2 months) in a French laboratory starting in 2025.
The application including
- an overview of the planned research activity, including planned locations and collaborators in France (up to 5 pages),
- a letter of support from the proposed host institution in France,
- a letter from the candidate’s head of department supporting the proposed visit and indicating the duration of the candidate’s stay in France,
- [for visits that include part of the academic year] a commitment from the department to provide teaching release for the duration of the proposed visit must be sent to the PIMS director.
Informations on PIMS website
Image : Flot d'Anosov, Étienne Ghys et Jos Leys, CC BY-NC-SA-3.0.