FRQ support: participation in Scientific Events in France
Deadline : April 1, 2025.
Members of the CRM (or one of its laboratories), CRM post-docs and graduate students supervised by CRM members are eligible for FRQ funding to attend scientific events in France.
Eligible expenses include travel, accommodation and a 70 CAD per diem for meals.
The application must include
- a description or program of the event, including location, date and web address,
- a letter explaining the purpose of participation,
- a budget request indicating costs,
- [for students and postdoctoral fellows only] a proof of registration at a Quebec university
must be submitted so that the event begins at least 6 weeks after the application deadline.
This call is recurrent, with the following deadlines each year
- January 10th,
- April 1st,
- July 1st,
- October 1st.
Informations on CRM website
Image : Kloosterman paths. Copyright © Emmanuel Royer, 2023.